Biography Raymond Thibesart 1874 - 1968

Son of a wealthy family , Raymond Thibesart  was born in Bar -sur -Aube , May 2, 1874 . Shortly after his parents moved to Enghien, in the suburbs of Paris .

This is where the Thibésart met a Venezuelan family who just arrived in France , the Boggio . Very good at drawing , Thibésart admired Emile Boggio , 17 years his senior, who gave him his first lessons when he was eleven. The master Emile Boggio Venezuelan Impressionist painter of great talent, became the first professor Raymond Thibésart .

Painter very sensitive and very talented , he was very generous with all those who surrounded him . Having no financial problem, it is possible to say that painting was his life. Surrounded by some publicity , he created a great and high artistic quality.For nearly seventy years , Raymond Thibésart completed its work in a perfect family balance . Suffering from blindness, he stopped painting at the age of eighty -two years old and died in 1968 at the age of eighty -four


  • From 1897 member and gold medalist of the Society of French Artists, exhibits regularly at the Salon d’Automne and the Salon des Independants.


1907 ,Gallery d’art contemporain, Paris. 

1923, Gallery Knoedler, Paris.

1927, Gallery Georges Petit, Paris. 

1930, Gallery Ecalle, Paris.  

1941,Gallery Romanet, Paris, 

1942, Alger 

1965, Gallery des Champs-Élysées, Paris.